Biblical Hebrew III: Binyanim Boot Camp
An Online Course with Dr. David Zev Moster
Eight Wednesdays: September 11, 18, 25; October 9, 30; and November 6, 13, 20
2:00–3:30 p.m. ET
Master Biblical Hebrew verbs in eight live online sessions. We will parse verbs from the six most common advanced stems, namely the nifal, hifil, hofal, pi’el, pual, and hitpa’el. Each class session will consist of an instructor-led lesson followed by group workshopping of biblical verses. The instructor will guide your use of Accordance Bible Software* and Dr. Moster’s own Tanakh Cards. Readings will be chosen from the narrative books such as Exodus, Judges, and Kings. You will also be encouraged to complete an assignment outside of class each week.
Sessions will be recorded, and recordings will be shared with registered participants who need to miss a session.
Prerequisites: Biblical Hebrew I (Jump Start) and Biblical Hebrew II (Workshop). If you have not completed these courses but believe you have the equivalent background, please schedule a conversation with the instructor prior to enrollment.
Note: Certificate candidates must complete Biblical Hebrew III.
Cost: $415. (Limited financial assistance available)
Earn a 10% DISCOUNT on courses by declaring your candidacy for the new Certificate in Biblical Hebrew. Complete the four-course sequence and optional capstone project. By the conclusion of the program, you will be able to read and understand a book of the Bible from start to finish in the original Hebrew.
Learn about the Certificate in Biblical Hebrew
* If you have not purchased Accordance Software for a previous course, a coupon will be provided to obtain it at the discounted price of $50. The two Tanakh Cards are $15/each.
Dr. David Zev Moster is the Lead Faculty for JTS’s community courses in Biblical Hebrew and for the Certificate in Biblical Hebrew, and adjunct assistant professor at JTS. He directs the Institute of Biblical Culture, where he teaches Hebrew and creates video materials about ancient Israelite language and culture for the general public. He is the author of Etrog: How a Chinese Fruit Became a Jewish Symbol (2018). He received his PhD from Bar-Ilan University, an MA from New York University, and BA, MA, and MS degrees and rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva University.