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Sep 09 2024


2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Formats (virtual, in person, hybrid)


Biblical Hebrew Workshop

An Online Course with Dr. David Zev Moster
Eight Mondays: September 9, 16, 23, 30; October 7, 28; and November 4, 11
2:00–3:30 p.m. ET  

Develop your skills in translating passages of the Tanakh independently.  In eight live online sessions, we will read and workshop passages selected by the instructor and participants, using a variety of resources including Accordance Bible Software* and Dr. Moster’s Tanakh cards. We will approach grammar inductively, exploring linguistic phenomena as they come up in our study of the selected passages. Participants will be encouraged to complete an assignment for each class. By the end of the course, participants will be able to parse (in terms of person, number, tense) every type of Hebrew Qal verb.

Recordings will be available for those unable to attend a session. Space is limited.

Prerequisite: Completion of Biblical Hebrew I. If you have not completed this course but believe you have the equivalent background, please schedule a conversation with the instructor prior to enrollment. To take this course, you should be able to translate any three biblical verses on your own and break down verses into their grammatical components.


Cost: $415. (Limited financial assistance available)

Earn a 10% DISCOUNT on courses by declaring your candidacy for the new Certificate in Biblical Hebrew. Complete the four-course sequence and optional capstone project. By the conclusion of the program, you will be able to read and understand a book of the Bible from start to finish in the original Hebrew.

* If you have not purchased Accordance Software for a previous course, a coupon will be provided to obtain it at the discounted price of $50. The two Tanakh Cards are $15/each. 

David Zev Moster

Dr. David Zev Moster is the Lead Faculty for JTS’s community courses in Biblical Hebrew and for the Certificate in Biblical Hebrew, and adjunct assistant professor at JTS. He directs the Institute of Biblical Culture, where he teaches Hebrew and creates video materials about ancient Israelite language and culture for the general public. He is the author of Etrog: How a Chinese Fruit Became a Jewish Symbol (2018). He received his PhD from Bar-Ilan University, an MA from New York University, and BA, MA, and MS degrees and rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva University.