Careers in Sustainable Startups
Gender disparities in entrepreneurship are stark. Only one in every three businesses is owned by a woman. Of the organizations that were created between 2009 and 2019, only 20 percent had a female founder. Join the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia SIPA’s Women in Energy initiative (WIE) to hear from women who have successfully started businesses in the sustainability space. This event seeks to provide founders with exposure and information to grow their businesses and provide jobseekers and students with content and connections to access the entrepreneurial space.
The WIE initiative envisions a world with equal gender representation at every level within the energy sector. Our mission is to elevate women and enhance inclusion within the energy workforce by developing and sharing research, expanding entry into the sector, and supporting professionals.
To expand entry into the sector, WIE hosts events to provide opportunities to connect energy organizations recruiting new talent with those interested in pursuing a career. Our events also feature women who have thrived in particular energy subsectors. Join us to learn more about our work or contact us at womeninenergy@columbia.edu.
This event is open to the public and will be hosted in person in New York City.
Advance registration is required. Capacity is limited.
This event is open to press, and registration is required to attend. For media inquiries or requests for interviews, please contact Adam Kilduff (ak5351@columbia.edu).
For more information about the event, please contact energypolicyevents@columbia.edu.