Environmental Awareness in the TIMSS Fourth and Eighth Grade Assessment
We are excited to invite you to the next session of the International Workshop on Environment, Sustainability, & Education, hosted by the Center for Sustainable Futures at Teachers College, Columbia University.
Environmental Awareness in the TIMSS Fourth and Eighth Grade Assessment
Speaker: Allison Bookbinder and Katherine Reynolds
Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Time: 9:00 am EST
Link to registration: https://teacherscollege.zoom.us/meeting/register/0QRhq3TrTIeyur39AvjNeA
This presentation provides a summary of definitions, key findings, and future directions related to the measurement of environmental knowledge, attitudes and other related background information in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Environmental awareness is measured in the TIMSS fourth- and eighth-grade assessments through content-based questions about environmental knowledge in the science achievement tests and context-based questions about environmental attitudes in the contextual questionnaires. The presenters will provide an overview of the history of the construct in previous TIMSS assessment cycles, key findings about environmental awareness from the TIMSS 2023 international report and anticipated next steps for measuring environmental awareness in TIMSS 2027 and beyond.