Hispanic Heritage Month on Haven Plaza
Join us on Tuesday, September 24, 2023 from 12:00pm – 2:00pm on Haven Plaza as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. This year’s National theme is Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together. Come learn about this culturally significant holiday and partake in festivities, including music, traditional food, and dancing. This event is sponsored by the CUIMC’s LatinX ERG in collaboration with the Office of Academic and Community Partnerships.
National Hispanic Heritage Month is observed from September 15 to October 15 and recognizes the contributions and impact generations of Hispanic Americans have made to positively influence and enrich the U.S. and beyond. The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively.
We celebrate the cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. We’d like to take time to recognize and honor our staff, faculty and students of Latinx descent. We’d also like to empower and educate our non-Latinx colleagues of the contributions and impact Latinx people made and continue to make in our community, state, nation, and world.
All are welcome to attend. Registration is not required for this event.