Is Theatre Dying?
A talk by Chinese director Wang Chong
In conversation with Yizhou Huang (Assistant Professor of Theatre, Barnard College)
Monday, February 3, 6-8 pm / Sulzberger Parlor, Barnard Hall
Sponsored by Dasha Epstein Visiting Scholars and Artists Fund
Open to the public, registration required
Wang Chong 王翀 is the founder of Théâtre du Rêve Expérimental, a Beijing-based performance group. He is the most internationally commissioned Chinese theater director, with his works performed in over 20 countries. Wang’s notable productions include The Warfare of Landmine 2.0 (2013 Festival/Tokyo Award), Lu Xun (2016 The Beijing News Best Chinese Performance), Teahouse 2.0 (2018 One Drama Awards Best Little Theater Work), Waiting for Godot (a live online performance with an audience of 290,000), and Made in China 2.0 (touring 5 continents). Since 2022, he has embraced a global nomad lifestyle.
Note to attendees: Barnard College’s campus security policy requires pre-registration for all non-ID holders. Photo ID and registration confirmation must be presented to security guards for entrance.