Home Morningside Events - Morningside Area Alliance Religious Revival at Riverside: Rev. Dr. Mycal X. Brickhouse


Aug 11 2024


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Formats (virtual, in person, hybrid)


Revival at Riverside: Rev. Dr. Mycal X. Brickhouse

This summer, Riverside is going into revival! For four Sundays, in the spirit of old-time church revivals, we will feature guest preachers and special music during our morning worship services.

Revivals are a time for the church to gather in worship, be refreshed, restored, renewed, and revived. They offer encouragement and spiritual strength, enabling us to engage in ministry with fresh eyes and new energy.

The Rev. Dr. Mycal X. Brickhouse is a director of programs and grants at Leadership EducaBon at Duke Divinity, overseeing ReflecBve Leadership Grants and FoundaBons of ChrisBan Leadership.

Brickhouse was ordained as an iBnerant elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He has previously served as a pastor in North Carolina and as director of alumni relaBons at Duke Divinity School.

He graduated from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and earned an M.Div. from Duke Divinity School, where he also completed his Doctor of Ministry.

Rev. Brickhouse’s intellectual prowess is evident in his published works, which include contribuBons to esteemed publicaBons such as Sojourners, Faith and Leadership, and The ChrisBan Recorder – the oldest periodical published by African Americans in the United States.

He is passionate about community relaBons and spending Bme with his family. Rev. Brickhouse is married to the lovely KrisBn McCullough Brickhouse, and together, they have one beauBful baby girl, Micah, one handsome baby boy, Makoa, and one pup-child named Carolina.