Social Media and Communication: Philosophical Perspectives
Conference Organizers: Karen Lewis (Department of Philosophy, Barnard College, Columbia University) and Rachel Sterken (Department of Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong)
Conference schedule:
Friday, January 24
10:00-11:15: Karen Lewis (Barnard College, Columbia University): “Gamified language games”
11:15-11:30: Break
11:30-12:45: Michael Barnes (University of Notre Dame): “Responsibility for recommendations”
12:45-2:15: Lunch break
2:15-3:30: Kate Scott (Kingston University): “A cognitive pragmatic account of ‘the imagined audience’: perspectives from relevance theory”
3:30-3:45: Break
3:45-5:00: C. Thi Nguyen (University of Utah): TBD
Saturday, January 25
10:00-11:15: Eliot Michaelson (King’s College London): “On Amplification”
11:15-11:30: Break
11:30-12:45: Eleonore Neufeld (University of Massachusetts Amherst): “Online Pragmatics”
12:45-1:45: Lunch break (pizza and salad served in Sulzberger Parlor)
1:45-3:00: James Kirkpatrick (University of Oxford) and Rachel Sterken (The University of Hong Kong): “LLMs and conversational context”
If you are interested in attending any of the talks, you must register via this form by Friday, January 17 to ensure campus access (hard deadline)! This is not a commitment to attending, but rather a necessary condition for the possibility of attending.