Corpus Christi

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In this special neighborhood you’ll find major educational institutions, students from all over the world, and ordinary folks living in brownstones and public housing. Corpus Christi tries to be one place where we can all come together, both for ourselves and for the wider community. Corpus Christi is known for the quality of its liturgy. This parish played an important part in the Liturgical Renewal movement before the Second Vatican Council and now continues the best of the Catholic liturgical tradition. Fine liturgical music has been a long tradition at Corpus Christi. The music program includes Gregorian chant, Renaissance polyphony, baroque and early classical choral music, and contemporary works (some commissioned especially for us). Our choir is made up of dedicated professional singers–we’ve even made three CDs of them. The painted crucifix beside the pulpit dates from Florence, Italy, in the 1400s, and the painting of the Madonna and Child with saints in the Blessed Sacrament chapel also reflects that time.

529 West 121 Street
New York, NY 10027
Telephone: 212-666-9350