In Memoriam: Trustee Emeritus Dick Munro CU Campus Update: Effective Monday, August 12, 2024 Teachers Empower the Next Generatio…

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Trustee Emeritus J. Richard “Dick” Munro died at the age of 93 on August 11 in Naples, Fla. A lifelong champion of education equity, Munro joined the TC community while completing post-graduate work at the College in the 1960s. He served on the Teachers College Board of Trustees from 1987 to 1998 before becoming Trustee Emeritus. 
Munro came to Teachers College with aspirations of becoming a high school principal. However, his devotion to education took a different path — with Munro remaining a steadfast volunteer and philanthropist in service of others throughout his life. 
A decorated veteran with three Purple Heart medals, Munro served his country during the Korean War before earning his bachelor’s degree at Colgate University. He later began his career in advertising sales at Time, Inc., where he ascended through the company’s ranks to eventually become president, then chairman and chief executive officer — in addition to holding top roles at Time Warner (now known as Warner Media). Munro’s professional achievements at the media conglomerate included negotiating the major merger and championing the formation of the company’s groundbreaking venture, HBO. In 1988, Time Warner established the J. Richard Munro Fellowship at TC to provide scholarship assistance.
In addition to service to Teachers College, Munro was a dedicated supporter of numerous organizations, including Save the Children and the United Fund. In 2008, SUNY Potsdam recognized Munro with an honorary doctorate for his achievements in business and contributions to the public good. 
Munro is survived by his wife, Carol; his three sons, John, Doug and Mac; six grandchildren; and great granddaughter.

Published Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024

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