Good morning! Minister Derrick T. Jordan, M. Div, LMSW preaching today on “Faith in Action” * Good morning! Minister Derrick T. Jordan, M. Div, LMSW preaching today on “Faith in Action” pic.twitter>>>
Good morning! Minister Derrick T. Jordan, M. Div, LMSW preaching today on “Faith in Action” * Good morning! Minister Derrick T. Jordan, M. Div, LMSW preaching today on “Faith in Action” pic.twitter>>>
O Clap Your Hands performed by The Riverside Choir | May 7, 2023 * O Clap Your Hands performed by The Riverside Choir | May 7, 2023 — The>>>
O God, In Whom All Life Begins Performed by The Riverside Choir | May 7, 2023 * O God, In Whom All Life Begins Performed by The Riverside Choir | May 7, 2023 pic.twitter>>>
“Being Black in America” Rev. Adriene Thorne reflects on a poem titled “Black Boys” by Adrienne Maree Brown, which explores the challenges faced by Black individuals>>>
“Being Black in America”
"Being Black in America"
— The Riverside Church (@RiversideNYC) May 11, 2023
Source by The Riverside Church
Psalm 23 Performed by The Riverside Choir | May 7, 2023 * Psalm 23 Performed by The Riverside Choir | May 7, 2023 — The Riverside Church>>>
You’re invited to join us for worship this Sunday at 10:45 a.m. ET with a very special guest preacher, Rev. @liztheo, co-chair of the @UniteThePoor and director of the @Kairos_Center. You>>>
A dozen young kids in front of the entire church — what could go wrong?!
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
“The Beatitudes” performed by The Riverside Choir | January 22, 2023 * "The Beatitudes" performed by The Riverside Choir | January 22, 2023 pic.twitter>>>
“If Old is an Insult” A clip of Rev. Lynn Casteel Harper’s latest sermon this past Sunday entitled “God is Old.” * "If Old is an Insult" A clip of Rev. Lynn Casteel>>>
“This is it. This is the life we get here on earth. We get to give away what we receive. We get to forgive and be forgiven. We get to love imperfectly. And we never know what effect it will have for>>>
Happening today at 1:00 p.m. ET – join us for engaging conversation with @GuthrieGF! #JustFaith
Take Riverside with you, wherever you go. Download the Riverside app and stay connected to all the videos, podcasts, and events. With one tap you can watch the latest sermon, listen to a podcast>>>
WHAT DO WE DO WITH ROMANS? | The Word Made Fresh (Romans 5:1-11) * WHAT DO WE DO WITH ROMANS? | The Word Made Fresh (Romans 5:1-11) — The Riverside Church>>>
Join members of Riverside’s Maranatha Ministry as they head to Albany next week to advocate for equitable policies for all LGBTQI with @EqualityNewYork! * Join members of Riverside’s Maranatha>>>
Now that’ll preach: If Old is an Insult * Now that'll preach: If Old is an Insult — The Riverside Church (@RiversideNYC) May 8, 2023>>>
Thoughts at the end of a challenging week: “Let’s be kind to ourselves and one another—forgiving. Let’s try to remain calm and resist resentment or irritability, or arrogance at the fallibility>>>