Press Release: Morningside Heights

a green and white logo

New York, NY February 6, 2018

Morningside Heights is home to the world’s leading academic and spirtual institutions including Columbia University, Jewish Theological Seminary, The Riverside Church, Cathedral St. John the Divine, and Teachers College.  This winter, the network of 13 nonprofits have come together to positively counter the feelings of uncertainty and fear impacting immigrants, international students, and others.  Throughout the streets of Morningside Heights, an uptown neighborhood bordered by Morningside and Riverside Parks, bright blue “All Are Welcome Here” banners wave hello & “welcome” to neighbors and visitors.

“We want to remind our neighbors that they live in a dynamic community that values diversity,” said J.B. who originated the campaign after seeing a similar campaign in Michigan.  The campaign’s message is intended to all from students considering study in the US from abroad to long-time residents threatened by the an eroded DACA.

The streetlight banner’s imagery centers on a group of silhouettes representing the ethnic, racial, cultural, and gender diversty of the unique neighborhood and the welcoming policies of its many institutions.  The banner campaign’s online website,, includes resources, statements, and news from the sponsoring institutions related to the pressing “issues” of the day. Upon review, one can learn that Barnard College, the preeminent women’s college in New York City, accepts transgender students and is at the forefront of creating an environment that upholds individual’s gender identity.  MORE >>

Jennifer Beisser, Executive Director of the Morningside Area Alliance ( or 212-749-1570) is happy to discuss the campaign and collaboration.

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