
Can items be listed for sale ($)?

Yes, you can list items for free or for sale. Transactions take place off the platform.

How do I know that the platform is safe; meaning, that dangerous items will not be offered?

Each institution will have an administrator who can remove any inappropriate items. As is the case with all interactions with new contacts, we recommend that you arrange your exchange in a public, active space.

What if a user/donor has a question about the platform?

During the pilot, tech and usability assistance will be provided by Sam Schurr (sam.schurr@rheaply.com). Live Chat is also available on the platform.

Is the use of this platform free to our institution?

Yes, during the pilot phase.

Your portal will “go live” for exchanges once you have listed a minimum of 50 items.

– Once this pilot period is complete, all non-profit participants will be able to remain as members of Rheaply’s ecosystem to view, provide, and receive donation items in their area. Each organization’s instance will stay usable and active as long as there is participation and activity across the organization and in the communities you all serve. We see this pilot as the beginnings of a truly circular community and are committed to supporting your efforts in any way that we can.

Will you provide any support to teach us how to use the platform and upload items?

Yes! Members of the pilot team will host a training for your organization and help with digitizing and posting your first tranche of assets on the platform. Value Recaptured (Costs avoided) – $20, 210.97 in market value Weight Diverted from Landfill – 1.46 tons Growth from 100 pilot users to 740 users 436 exchanges between community members

How can I promote and market our institution’s participation in this initiative?

Hashtags: #share-harlem #circularcampus #circularcommunity #share-morningside. Please tag @Barnard and @MorningsideAlliance

What results has this project achieved so far?

Currently, the platform is available for use by Barnard students, faculty, and staff. After a small-scale pilot last year, in the fall of this year we saw:

Can I post personal items as well as institutional?

Yes! You are more than welcome to post any items you would like to exchange. All users (upon sign up) agree to list only items from a home or facility that is known to be free of bed bugs and/or mold. 9. What are the community guidelines? We seek to create a safe virtual space that promotes access and inclusivity. Users of the Rheaply platform are expected to respect one another and our shared resources when exchanging supplies. Users are also expected to maintain a responsible online presence on the platform.