Join the Community at the Crossing as they host distinguished guest scholars and teachers in a series of educational opportunities called The Bridge Seminars. Learn from these eminent thinkers, side-by-side with members of Community in an intimate, roundtable setting.

The Singing Prophet: A Brief Course on the Book of Isaiah
The book of Isaiah, called a “fifth gospel” for its prefiguration of Christ in the child Emmanuel and the Suffering Servant of the Lord, remains for many a source of ambiguity, obscurity, and complexity. In this course, Fr. Peter shows how questions of the book’s composition, authorship, allusions, and themes take us from being spectators of the great scroll toward readers immersed in its mysteries—and fellow singers of God’s praises.

The Rev. Peter A. Heasley, S.Th.D., is pastor of the Roman Catholic Church of Corpus Christi and Notre Dame in Manhattan. He teaches Scripture at St. Joseph’s Seminary (Dunwoodie) in Yonkers and is the author of Prophetic Polyphony (Mohr Siebeck, 2020), about allusion to the psalms in Second Isaiah.

The class schedule is
December 9, 10am – 12pm & 2:30pm – 4:30pm
December 10, 9:30am – 12pm & 2:30pm – 4:30pm

Learn more about this seminar and others in the series.