Home Morningside Events - Morningside Area Alliance Lectures Editor’s Night: The Secrets of Great Science Communication
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Feb 26 2025


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Formats (virtual, in person, hybrid)


Editor’s Night: The Secrets of Great Science Communication

A fireside chat with biologist Neil Shubin and Professor Claudia Dreifus.

University of Chicago biologist/paleontologist, Neil Shubin writes best-sellers about scientific topics.

His 2007 book about his discovery of prehistoric fish fossils Your Inner Fish, was also an Emmy Award winning PBS television series.

Shubin’s newest Dutton work Ends of the Earth:  Journey’s to the Polar Regions in Search of Life, the Cosmos and Our Future, tells the true stories of his expeditions into the Arctic and Antarctic as he seeks out physical clues to evolutionary history.

Dr. Shubin will be interviewed by Professor Claudia Dreifus of the School of Professional Studies about how he produces science-based non-fiction books that appeal to general audiences.

This is an open session of Professor Dreifus’ Sustainability Management course, Writing About Global Science for the International Media.


This conversation will be held in person at the Butler Library, Room 203. After the moderated discussion, guests will have a chance to ask the guest speakers questions.

For further information please contact Maria Gray, mlg17@columbia.edu.


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Event Contact Information:
Maria Gray