Home Morningside Events - Morningside Area Alliance Film Talks Taking Space: Women, Peace, & Leadership


The Forum at Columbia University
601 W. 125th St., New York, NY 10027
Opening Hour

The Forum, located on the corner of 125th Street and Broadway, is a unique community gathering space that serves as the gateway to Columbia University's developing Manhattanville campus. Open to the entire university as well as the local New York City community, The Forum is a multi-use venue that houses a state-of-the-art auditorium, meeting and event spaces, and communal work areas.



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Mar 05 2025


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Formats (virtual, in person, hybrid)


Taking Space: Women, Peace, & Leadership

In observance of International Women’s Month, the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, & Complexity (AC4), Women’s Peace & Leadership (WPL) program and the MS in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (NECR) program are pleased to present an evening that delves into the role of women in many aspects of peacebuilding.

Join us for a vibrant, multidisciplinary panel discussion on women’s leadership in peace, negotiation, and security, followed by a screening of a documentary film, La Ciudad de las Amigas (The City of Friends), focusing on the role of collective action lead by Colombian women and Q&A with the filmmakers from Las Piranas, a graffiteras crew.

Stay for a networking reception and photography exhibit after the event.

Event program:

Part 1: Women, Peace, and Leadership Panel
– Dr. Beth Fisher-Yoshida, Moderator
– Flynn Coleman
– Julia Vassileva
– Catherine Andela, UN Department of Peace Operations

Part 2: Feminizing the Street
Screening of La Ciudad de las Amigas (The City of Friends) by Las Piranas
– Joan Lopez, Moderator
– Q&A with filmmakers Anyela Venegas Arango, Lieke Prins, Juliana Ruiz


To obtain additional information about program offerings at Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies, please contact an Admissions Counselor at inquire@sps.columbia.edu.

If you require closed captioning, sign-language interpretation or any other disability accommodations, please contact Disability Services, disability@columbia.edu, at least 10 days in advance.

Please visit Columbia University’s Hub for Emergency Preparedness to stay up to date on the latest campus health and safety policies.

Event Contact Information:
Andy Horner