Home Morningside Events - Morningside Area Alliance Film Talks The Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice
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The Forum at Columbia University
601 W. 125th St., New York, NY 10027
Opening Hour

The Forum, located on the corner of 125th Street and Broadway, is a unique community gathering space that serves as the gateway to Columbia University's developing Manhattanville campus. Open to the entire university as well as the local New York City community, The Forum is a multi-use venue that houses a state-of-the-art auditorium, meeting and event spaces, and communal work areas.



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Mar 03 2025


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Formats (virtual, in person, hybrid)


The Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice

A screening of the award-winning 60-minute documentary, The Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice (2024)Directed by former evolutionary biologist Kathy Kasic, the film features surprising discoveries about the Greenland Ice Sheet by climate scientists, including Columbia’s Dorothy Peteet and Joerg Schaefer. The film meditates on the uses of scientific knowledge of the past, the urgency of global warming for our future, and the challenge of spurring action in the present: “Paradoxically, our ability to look forward in time is best aided by looking backwards in time.”

Following the screening, there will be a panel discussion with the director and Columbia faculty

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About the Film

If the ice sheet covering Greenland melts, global sea levels would rise 21 feet, profoundly impacting our planet. How, why, and when could this happen? Scientists have recently found lost sediment from a forgotten secret sub-ice Cold War base in the Arctic that holds clues about a time when the Greenland Ice Sheet had fully receded. What does the discovery that the Greenland Ice Sheet has completely melted before mean for our future?


  • Kathy Kasic, director of The Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice (Metamorph Films: https://www.metamorphfilms.com/) and Associate Professor at California State University, Sacramento
  • Dorothy Peteet, paleoecologist and Lamont Senior Research Scientist
  • Joerg Schaefer, climate geochemist and Lamont Research Professor
  • Jane Gaines, documentary film scholar at Columbia School of the Arts
  • Jennifer Wenzel, scholar of literature and environmental humanities, A&S
  • Leah Aronowsky, historian at Columbia Climate School


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