Crisis in the Eurozone: A Panel with Adam Tooze and Katharina Pistor
REGISTER HERE: https://bit.ly/CGT_Eurozone
Join the Committee on Global Thought, the European Institute, and the Center for Political Economy to explore the challenges facing the Euro area and the prospects for its future development.
Europe’s common currency, the Euro, is entering its second quarter century. The European Central Bank is firmly established as the #2 central bank in the world. It has survived years of turbulence. For now, debt markets are stable and the politics of Europe’s common currency are quiet. Can this last?
Europe faces huge challenges. Its economy is sluggish. Europe fears falling behind in the global tech race. It faces new security threats. Trans-Atlantic relations have been thrown into turmoil by the reelection of Donald Trump. On the horizon looms the challenge of the energy transition. This panel will explore the challenges facing the Euro area and the prospects for its future development.