Pregnancy as a Political Metaphor: Margarete Susman and Hannah Arendt Giving Birth to Revolution in Times of War
Pregnancy as a Political Metaphor: Margarete Susman and Hannah Arendt Giving Birth to Revolution in Times of War
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
1:00 p.m.
The Presentation Room
In Person at JTS
3080 Broadway (at 122nd Street)
New York City

Dr. Yemina Hadad, Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies Theological Faculty, University of Leipzig, will rethink the concept of revolution in political, religious, and feminist terms, through an exploration of the use of metaphors of birth and natality by philosophers Margarete Susmann and Hannah Arendt. “Pregnancy as a Political Metaphor” is part of a monograph in progress, Thinking with Care: Feminine Interventions into the Ethics of Dialogue.
A light lunch will be served. RSVP required.