Illuminating Sacred Text: Contemporary Jewish Book Artists and Their Work – Extended through February 23
Sacred Jewish texts have long been crafted with exquisite beauty, reflecting their spiritual significance. Throughout history, artisans have adorned these books with masterful calligraphy, intricate decorations, and brilliant illuminations. Figurative illustrations have also found their way into these sacred volumes, adding yet a further layer of commentary onto the text. While the mass production of the printed book resulted in the decline of this rich tradition of decorated Hebrew manuscripts, the Jewish book arts have experienced a remarkable revival in recent years. Contemporary Jewish artists have embraced the challenge of “illuminating” sacred writings, both artistically and conceptually, bringing new life into an ancient practice.
This exhibition at the Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary showcases the work of five outstanding contemporary Jewish book artists: David Moss, Avner Moriah, Izzy Pludwinski, David Wander, and Barbara Wolf. Their creations demonstrate how the ancient tradition of beautifying sacred texts endures, as these artists not only embellish but also interpret the timeless stories, teachings, and wisdom of the Jewish inheritance through their art.