Home Morningside Events - Morningside Area Alliance Lectures Cynthia Chen – Global Differences in Adaptation to Societal Aging


May 16 2024


11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Formats (virtual, in person, hybrid)


Cynthia Chen – Global Differences in Adaptation to Societal Aging

While societal aging is a global phenomenon, the aging experience differs across countries. We have constructed a multidimensional aging index of 143 countries’ adaptation to demographic transformation and assessed the relation between societal adaptation and national economic status, using international data from various sources. The index is a weighted summation of five domains important for societal aging: well-being, productivity and engagement, equity, cohesion, and security. Top-performing countries on the Index were high-income countries from the European and Oceania regions. Only 8 out of 143 (3.5%) countries had higher scores for women than men. Countries with the most significant sex differences were primarily low- and middle-income countries. The multidimensional Index permits cross-national comparisons of the overall societal adaptation and specific age-relevant domains. It may be helpful in the identification of specific targets for the development of policies and programs to enhance the likelihood that older persons will age successfully.

Event Speaker

Cynthia Chen, Assistant Professor of Public Health and Ageing at the National University of Singapore

Event Information

Free and open to the public; registration required. For more information, please visit the event webpage or email columbiaagingcenter@cumc.columbia.edu.

Hosted by the Columbia Aging Center.