Home Morningside Events - Morningside Area Alliance Featured Events Lectures Global Race to Decarbonization and Debunking Misconceptions


The Columbia Climate School
The Columbia Climate School

The climate crisis is one of the greatest threats facing humanity. In response, Columbia University established the nation's first climate school in 2020 to educate future climate leaders, support groundbreaking research, and foster essential climate solutions from the community to the planetary scale.




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Jul 11 2024


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Formats (virtual, in person, hybrid)


Global Race to Decarbonization and Debunking Misconceptions

Global Race to Decarbonization and Debunking Misconceptions on Key Technologies

UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN), GEIDCO, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Climateworks, Columbia Climate School, and UNIDO

One of the best mediums for navigating nuances and developing solutions to the SDGs is to foster open conversation among subject matter experts. Specifically, busting myths about the energy transition opens up the opportunity to find the right steps towards progress and correct common misunderstandings. In this two part event, SDSN is excited to partner with thought leaders to speak to the real opportunities and challenges in the global energy transition. The first session will start with a discussion on the role of cooperation and progressive industrial policy to ensure the capacity for the energy transition in terms of resources, knowledge and financing are adequate to rapidly build and maintain the energy system of the future globally. Following this session, expert panelists will dive into some common misconceptions held about the technical capacity of large-scale renewables penetration, the speed and scale of their implementation, the limitations of intermittent variable renewables, and the reality of global energy interconnection and grid expansion efforts. Inspired by a research paper published earlier this year, Rebutting 33 False Claims About Solar, Wind, and Electric Vehicles, we will hear expert perspectives to further debunk false claims related to the energy transition and to shed light on the growing potential of these and other key technologies in the energy transition. Following these two sessions, participants will be invited stay for a reception where they can meet the speakers and other participants from our renowned host organizations.

Contact Information

Jessica Rodriguez