Home Morningside Events - Morningside Area Alliance Talks HARLEM WEEK: Climate & Environmental Justice in Harlem- NYC’s Plan
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The Columbia Climate School
The Columbia Climate School

The climate crisis is one of the greatest threats facing humanity. In response, Columbia University established the nation's first climate school in 2020 to educate future climate leaders, support groundbreaking research, and foster essential climate solutions from the community to the planetary scale.


Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building
163 West 125th Street


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Aug 07 2024


5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Formats (virtual, in person, hybrid)


HARLEM WEEK: Climate & Environmental Justice in Harlem- NYC’s Plan

The growing risks of rising heat, more intense storms, and a history of environmental injustice continue to generate disproportionate climate impacts in communities like Harlem.

You are invited to join on, as part of Harlem Week 2024, to discuss:

  • What is government doing to address these risks and get at the root causes of our climate crisis?
  • How can community organizations and residents partner with local businesses, academic organizations, and government to cause real change in policy?
  • What is the role of the Columbia Climate School in supporting and empowering its neighbors to address our climate crisis and achieve environmental justice?

Hear from local researchers, elected officials, and community leaders on the challenge and have your voice heard as the Columbia Climate School continues to expand its work to create a cleaner, safer, healthier future for Harlem and the globe.

Remarks from:

  • Dr. Patricia Ramsey, President, Medgar Evers College, City University of New York
  • Ydanis Rodriguez Commissioner, New York City Department of Transportation
  • Dr. Peggy Shepard, Co-Founder & Executive Director, WE ACT for Environmental Justice

Panel Discussion

Moderated By: Daniel A. Zarrilli, Chief Climate & Sustainability Officer, Columbia University

  • Elijah Hutchinson, Director, NYC Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice
  • Sheila R. Foster, Professor of Climate, Columbia Climate School
  • Curtis Archer, President, Harlem Community Development Corporation
  • Michael Sutton CEO, Infrastructure Engineering Incorporated

Event Contact Information:
Columbia Climate School & The Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce