Marx 9/13 | Marx and Negri with Michael Hardt and Sandro Mezzadra
Please join us on Wednesday, March 5 for Marx 9/13 and a discussion with philosophers Michael Hardt and Sandro Mezzadra of Marx’s Grundrisse and Antonio Negri’s Marx Beyond Marx, and Marx in Movement at the Annex at Columbia Law School, 410 W. 117th St., New York, NY 10027, starting at 6:15 PM NYC time. The seminar will be livestreamed and zoomed back through our YouTube Channel.
In-person tickets on Eventbrite will close at 4:00 PM on March 4, 2025. Those that have signed up for an in-person ticket will receive an email with a QR code from caladminnoreply@columbia.edu needed to enter the Columbia University campus. Each guest must have their own QR code so each guest needs to be registered. Please make sure that you use your legal first and last name when registering for the event. Please also bring a government-issued ID that matches the name on your registration to present to CU Public Safety staff. If you would like to attend in person and have not RSVP’d before 4:00 PM on March 4, 2025, please reach out to Ricardo Lombera at rlombera@law.columbia.edu. Requests for access after 4:00 PM on March 4, 2025, unfortunately, cannot be guaranteed.