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Allan Rosenfield Building
722 W. 168 St., New York, NY 10032


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Jul 18 - 19 2024


10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Formats (virtual, in person, hybrid)


The Exposome Boot Camp

July 18-19, 2024 | In-person training

The Exposome Boot Camp is a two-day intensive boot camp of seminars and hands-on analytical sessions to provide an overview of concepts, techniques, and data analysis methods used in studies of the exposome.

This two-day intensive boot camp integrates the principle concepts of exposomics and the untargeted approaches of measuring endogenous and exogenous chemical exposures on an omic scale as we step through the tools and techniques currently available to analyze the exposome. Led by a team of expert scientists in the rapidly growing field of exposomics, the boot camp will integrate seminar lectures with hands-on computer lab sessions to put concepts into practice. Emphasis will be given to leveraging existing resources from ongoing studies and initiating new investigations. The afternoon lab sessions will provide an opportunity to work hands-on with real data. Participants will learn and practice data handling, cleaning, and basic analysis of exposomics data.

By the end of the workshop, participants will be familiar with the following topics:

  • Principles of exposomics
  • Concept ideation and study design
  • Laboratory methods and instrumentation platforms for analysis
  • Data extraction and cleaning with emphasis on peaks and feature tables
  • Pathway data analysis and identification databases
  • Data visualization and network interpretation
  • Study design advantages and pitfalls
  • Emerging exposomic topics and laboratory platforms


Investigators at all career stages are welcome to attend, and we particularly encourage trainees and early-stage investigators to participate.

This training is designed to accommodate investigators with varying experience levels in R. Knowing R basics is beneficial to maximize training from the boot camp, but is not necessary for you to strongly engage with training material. Data labs will be offered during the training and are meant to accommodate both beginner and advanced data manipulation, with all material and additional resources available after the training. There are four requirements to attend this training:

  1. Each participant must have an introductory background in statistics.
  2. Each participant is required to have a personal laptop. If you would like to participate in the asynchronous, hands-on data labs offered by the Boot Camp, you will need to have R downloaded and installed as all lab sessions will be done on your personal laptop. R is available for free download and installation on Mac, PC, and Linux devices.
  3. The Boot Camp will provide lab tutorials with data sets in R, therefore we recommend participants have a basic understanding of this platform prior to attending the Boot Camp to get the most out of lab sessions. R knowledge is not required if you do not plan to participate in lab sessions. If you have not used this platform before, step through the tutorials outlined below so you have the basic skills needed for Boot Camp success.


Capacity is limited. Paid registration is required to attend.

Event Contact Information:
The Exposome Boot Camp