The Republic of Venice: Its Long History and Many Historiographies
This talk by Prof. Maria Fusaro (University of Exeter) will focus on the enduring appeal of the history of the Republic of Venice across many different national historiographies and sub-disciplines within History. Focusing particularly on how the economic history of the Republic of Venice has been discussed by scholars, and on recent approaches towards its imperial experience in the Mediterranean, Prof. Fusaro will discuss how these different approaches have shaped the work of both academic and popular historians and thus contributed also to inform the general public’s perception of Venice and its history.
Welcoming remarks: Diane Bodart (Department of Art History & Archaeology. Faculty Chair of Casa Muraro, Columbia University)
Introductory remarks : Pier Mattia Tommasino (Italian Department, Columbia University)
Event organized by the Department of Italian, Columbia University in collaboration with the Department Art History & Archaeology and the Casa Muraro in Venice, and co-sponsored by The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, The Division of Humanities, and The European Institute at Columbia University