Category - Collaborative Leadership Symposium

Program Consultants and Advisors

Athena Center for Leadership Studies Established at Barnard College, a pioneering force in undergraduate women’s education since 1889, the Athena Center for Leadership Studies is dedicated to the>>>

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Purpose and Theme

Why the Symposium? Rejecting the Silo Teamwork and leadership have always been esteemed in the workplace, but today are critical skills for any professional who wants to help their organization>>>

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Symposium Schedule and Location

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][prkwp_styled_title prk_in=”Schedule” title_size=”h2″ stamp_show_line=”double_lined”][vc_column_text>>>

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About the Symposium

[vc_row][vc_column][prkwp_styled_title prk_in=”Rejecting the Silo” align=”left” text_color=”#e26e34″ title_size=”Small” use_italic=”yes”>>>

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