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Sep 11 2024


7:00 pm - 9:15 pm

Formats (virtual, in person, hybrid)


Context Two-Year Program

About Context

JTS’s Context Online is a two-year intellectual journey that fosters a sense of being at home in Jewish culture, religion, text, and civilization. Participants meet weekly on Zoom, studying with major scholars and forming a supportive learning community. Now, wherever you are, you can access this unique learning opportunity.

  • Encounter the sweep of Jewish history and the core texts of the ancient, medieval, and modern periods.
  • Engage in close reading of texts and stimulating discussion guided by outstanding JTS scholars, who use the best in educational technology tools and strategies.
  • Explore the development of Jewish belief and practice, and encounter the richness and diversity of Jewish civilization with learners from across the globe.

Context Online 2024

A new cycle of Context will meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. ET starting in September 2024.

Fall Semester: The Bible and Ancient Israel with Dr. Ora Horn Prouser

Spring Semester: The World of Rabbinic Judaism with Dr. David Kraemer